- Danmarks uafhængige leksikon om sygdomme

God nyhed. naturlige stofskiftehormoner

Det er nu muligt at få naturlige stofskiftehormoner igen i Danmark.
Glostrup Apotek er netop lige begyndt på at fremstille dem igen.
Alle interesserede der ønsker at skifte til naturlige stofskiftehormoner kan med en recept fra lægen bestille dem på Glostrup apotek.
Dejligt at Glostrup Apotek giver de mennesker der ønsker naturlige stofskiftehormoner det alternativ :-)


  • Indstillinger
    Hej Pochahonta.
    Dejligt at hører ,at Glostrup Apotek fremstiller naturlig stofskiftemedicin.
    Ved du om almindelige læger kan skrive Recept ud, eller om det kun er
    endokringologer der må udskrive recept?
    Venlig Hilsen HN:
  • Indstillinger
    Alle læger kan udskrive recept på de naturlige stofskiftepiller, men det er ikke ret mange der vil, for det er ikke velset at gøre det.
    Og man kan nok ikke få tilskud til dem for sundhedsstyrelsen, synes ikke om at vi skal have dem. De mener at det er nok med Eltroxin og nu efter stort pres, også Euthyrox på det danske marked.
    Desværre er der nogle af os, som disse to medicin typer ikke virker optimalt på. Så vi vil gerne vil have den naturlige medicin. Vi må så bare blive ved at plage vore læger om det. Evt skifte læge.

    Mvh Alicia
  • Indstillinger
    helt enig.
    Vi må bare blive ved med at fastholde, at vi gerne vil prøve de naturlige hormoner, og hvis den ene læge ikke vil, ja så må man skifte, der er heldigvis også mange fornuftige læger :-)
    Det er vel patienternes helbred det handler om, ikke lægernes, og de må respektere, hvis nogle af deres patienter ønsker at prøve de naturlige hormoner. Så bare klø på.........
  • Indstillinger
    Hej Pochahonta123 hvad hedder de naturlige stofskifte piller fra glostrup apotex, hvis man skal have lægen til at skrive en recept på dem?
    Hilsen LHA1963
  • Indstillinger
    Hej LHA1963

    Jeg tillader hermed at svare på dit spørgsmål, selvom det ikke blev stillet til mig.

    De naturlige stofskifte piller laves magistrelt og sælges udelukkende fra Glostrup Apotek under navnet Thyroid.

    De er ved at lave en genproduktion af den i styrkerne 60mg og 125 mg begge findes i portioner af 100 tabletter.

    60mg Thyroid svarer til 100 mcg Euthyrox /gammel Eltroxin.

    Det er spørgsmål, som jeg selv stillede i en mail til Apotekeren på Glostrup Apotek, Kristian Østergaard Nielsen. Og som jeg fik oven stående svar på idag.

    Mvh Alicia
  • Indstillinger
    Sorry to write in English... I can read all Danish but I am not very good at writing it.

    I have been taking the 'old' eltroxin for 6 years. Last year I noticed that the medicine had changed and did not think too much about it. About a month later, all my symptoms plus some were back. I called my doctor and she told me that "Yes, they have changed the medicine but only the non-working part, so just keep taking it and you will be fine". 2 months later I called again - told her it was not working, so she tested me and said all my numbers were within the right 'range' - in other words I was 'fine', regardless of how I felt.

    Out of desperation I tried everything, mega doses of vitamins, some Chinese medicine (that WAS disgusting but did help a little), tried to order Armour from the US (no success), etc.

    Finally, I found on this forum that Thyroid was in Denmark. I printed the whole thing out and took it to my doctor and she has now ordered me an equivalent dosage to match my eltroxin (which is 150 mcg day 1, 200 day 2, 150 day 3, 200 day 4, etc).

    I have been reading about Armour (and other natural products) and I have a few questions for those who have switched to Thyroid.

    1. Are you chewing it? I have read this is necessary with some of the natural products.
    2. Did you switch gradually or do as my doctor said and just switch from one day to the next with an equal dose?
    3. Do you add Vitamin C to increase the uptake in your system?
    4. Do you add Selenium for the same reason?
    5. Do you divide your dose across the day?
    6. Do you actually take more natural thyroid medicine because I have read that this can be the case in many instances?
    7. Lastly, has anyone found a way to communicate with their doctor regarding how they 'feel' versus what their 'numbers' say? I am amazed my doctor is prescribing the thyroid but I think she is just sick of me complaining about eltroxin and printing out multiple complaints from others about it as well. I want her to listen to what I have to say about how I feel - not what the TSH number reads.
    8. Also - I can imagine (from what I read) that maybe there is a cortisol problem somewhere and I need to be tested for that. Has anyone convinced there doctor to test them for low cortisol?

    Sorry for the long post but what a RELIEF that there is another option now besides this horrible eltroxin and I am really hoping that the Thyroid (which should arrive by post today) is going to make the entire difference in my world :-) !

    Thank you, and you can respond in Danish or Swedish or Norwegian, no problem.

    Tak. Flyver
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    Hej Flyv.
    Prøv dette forum, der er der rigtig meget information om ERFA/Armour og mange brugere der tager det:
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    Thank you for the link. I will spend ages reading it - lots of good stuff there. I also just received my bottle of THYREOID in the mail (note the spelling which is not THYROID). I am going to start in the morning but see mixed ideas about whether to just stop the eltroxin and start full steam ahead with the Thyreoid or do this gradually...

    If anyone has any experience that would be great otherwise I'll report back my experience here in a few days!

    Thank you again.
  • Indstillinger
    Jeg synes det er dejligt at høre at det nu er muligt at få naturlig thyroid i Danmark.
    Jeg har i dag talt med min læge om at jeg gerne vil skifte over til naturlig medicin for jeg synes ikke at Eltroxin hjælper nok. Min læge mente at det nok havde med psyken at gøre og ikke stofskiftet. Efter hvad jeg kan læse mig til er dette et klassisk lægesvar..

    Men i hvert fald så ville det være godt at høre om hvordan det går med thyroid for dig Flyver. Ville være fint hvis du opdaterede din tråd når/hvis du mærker en forskel. Og med hensyn til cortisol problematiken, så har jeg læst om muligheder for at teste den i "Stop the thyroid madness". En bog og et forum på nettet som jeg varmt vil anbefale.

    Held og lykke med den nye medicin.

  • Indstillinger
    Hi AV (and others who are reading) -

    I started the THYREOID from Glostrup on 13/8 (3 weeks tomorrow). I stopped eltroxin the same day. I took it 1 hour before I ate or drank under my tongue. Appx. 2 hours later - MAJOR body aches which lasted for about 1 hour. Coincidence? I took another dose at noon, same way, same reaction.

    This went on for about 4 days and I decided to try just swallowing the pills. Better. Much less reaction or shall we say - much more delayed (body aches but less severe but lasting longer). I thought it must be due to the eltroxin still being in my body.

    Day 7-10 - Starting to feel a teeny little bit like my old self again despite the muscle aches. Not all day, not all the time, but a few times during the day which gave me hope.

    Day 10 - we got the news (which we have waited on for 5 1/2 years) about my handicapped sons diagnosis. BAD NEWS. It was NBIA, early onset PKAN. If you have to draw a diagnosis out of a bag for your 6 year old, this isn't the one you want to get.

    So, OK (well not OK, but back to topic), I thought that on Day 10-Day 19 that I was just wrecked from finding this out. However, I started increasing the Thryeoid medicine. Thinking, hmmm, maybe I need more. So as of today I am on double the dose (60 mg x 2, twice a day). The joint pain increases with the dose. I take it at 6 am and noon. By 5 pm I am wrecked. Fuzzy. Can't form sentences without thinking about them first. I feel like I'm going a little backward.

    So I'm wondering about adding some of the eltroxin back in? My doctor is nearly hopeless because she thinks that thyroid medicines of any type are for people with TSH over 3 - and the rest is hypochondria. I can't keep running to her for tests because she already thinks I am nuts due to my constant complaining about my thyroid symptoms (in fact she has referred me to a psychologist for my depression which is all in my head).

    So.... long story sorry. But that is my experience and I am quite desperate. I am also going to post on Sonja's stofskifter forum to see if anyone has any suggestions. I hate to keep adding more and more of the Thyreoid or mixing it with eltroxin on my own - but what else to do?

    Thanks again for your time in reading my very long post! :-)
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