- Danmarks uafhængige leksikon om sygdomme

Oxidative Stress Relief et ny middel ved Parkinsons Sygdom ?

Redigeret 25 januar, 2009, 05:33 i Parkinsons sygdom
I min korrespondance med andre patienter med kronisk kumulativ (ophobet) tungmetalforgiftning, så fik jeg for kort tid siden denne mail.

“Dear ….,
Professor Haley thinks that I am now free from mercury toxicity I had my red blood cell glutathione level tested and it was normal!!

Professor Boyd Haley sent me these explanations on how his new compound OSR Oxidative Stress Release works

The new compound (we call it OSR) has been shown to quadruple the glutathione levels in individuals treated with it, going from half of normal levels to double normal levels with two months usage of an oral dose of 250mg/day. Nothing else I know of can do this. The great increase in glutathione seems to aid the body in detoxing several types of toxins. We have not seen any negative effects in anyone.

We have had the OSR tested by three different FDA monitored laboratories and it was found without toxicity, was not mutagenic, did not have any affect when given in massive doses to pregnant rats, etc. The compound is totally without toxic effects and no negative side effect has been seen when given to rats at levels 100 to 500 times what a human would take. It also has been proven to scavenge free radicals through an ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) test---this is obviously one way it increases glutathione levels, by preventing the oxidation of glutathione by reactive oxygen species. I have been taking the compound (OSR) for about two years and my major changes have been the loss of my acid reflux problems and better feeling joints---but there was nothing wrong with me except these minor issue----I was taking the OSR to see if it caused upset stomach, headaches, muscle aches, etc. None of these occurred.

I can assure you that it works much better than DMSA or any existing chelator. BAL (British Anti Lewisiste agent) is toxic and can really injure a person. These compounds, BAL, DMSA, and DMPS do not bind like true chelators and, due to their weak affinity for Hg, seem to relocate mercury into the kidney causing renal problems. These compounds are also all water soluble and are excreted rapidly through the kidney. Boyd

If anyone is interested in knowing more about this treatment please let me know.
Best Wishes,”
(citat slut),

På Internettet har jeg fundet frem til disse oplysninger til forældre til autistiske børn (autistiske børn er formentligt ligeledes tungmetalforgiftede.).

“To All Parents: We make no claims that OSR can treat any disease or cure any illness. OSR stands for Oxidative Stress Relief which is based on our initial observations that taking OSR increases plasma glutathione levels significantly. OSR has been extensively tested by 3rd party FDA certified toxicology laboratories and no toxic effects have been observed in rats at OSR levels 100 to thousands of times greater than we recommend be used in humans. Also, 3rd party labs have reported that OSR is non-mutagenic, has a good ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) score and had no effect on pregnancy outcomes when given to pregnant rats in massive doses. We have no indications of any toxicity that can be caused by OSR even at very high dosages which are not recommended. We have fulfilled the FDA new dietary ingredient requirements regarding support of its safety; however, the FDA has not evaluated our position that OSR is an effective antioxidant and a useful dietary ingredient.

OSR is an antioxidant that has the ability to partition into the lipophilic (fatty) tissues of the body and to scavenge damaging free radicals. OSR seems to be of value for a safe process to help in a dietary way those who are suffering from inflammation and oxidative stress. Just being able to scavenge the free radicals (which are the damaging chemicals produced in inflammation) seems to allow the body to salvage much of its reduced glutathione (GSH) most likely causing the increase in body GSH levels. GSH is used for detoxing the body of many toxicants and to protect enzymes from oxidation. I personally have been taking the compound for about 1.5 years and my latest physical showed no abnormal blood chemistry and I have zero physical problems. My personal plasma glutathione levels (LabCorp) was 1,225 with the average index being 669.

CTI Science is a beginning company and cannot make enough OSR at this time to supply everyone that wants it. Therefore, we are only supplying OSR to MDs or ODs who are treating autistic children. This is also being done to make sure that nothing out of the ordinary happens with a minority that may be sensitive to any sulfur based antioxidant including OSR. It is important to have a physician monitor these children as a precautionary principle. Also, I dont want OSR to be another pig-in-a poke for parents that does not work. Therefore, we are asking all initial users to agree to allow their physician to get before and after (two months later) testing for 3 items:

1. Plasma glutathione level,
2. Urinary prophyrin profile,
3. CRP levels (C-Reactive Protein).

This testing will tell a parent if their child needs attention to oxidative stress or specific toxicities or if they are under inflammatory stress. It will also tell them if the OSR did any good with regards to helping alleviate the oxidative stress. Please contact your physician to see if they are aware of OSR if you are interested in trying it. Please understand, I just dont have the time or the amounts of OSR to send out individual bottles to parents at this time, but I will accomplish this in the near future.

Boyd Haley”
(citat slut).

Det kunne være spændende om danske parkinsonpatienter kunne få mulighed for at prøve dette nye produkt (selvom der efterhånden er kommet en del gode erfaringer med brug af Atamir (Penicillamin), DMSA og DMPS (Dimaval) til parkinsonpatienter og jeg er ikke bekendt med, at nogen parkinsonpatient skulle have haft nævneværdige bivirkninger af disse behandlinger.).

Jeg ved fra personlig kontakt til en kongres, at Prof. Boyd Haley har testet dette nye produkt på parkinsonpatienter med godt resultat.
Boyd Haley er professor i kemi.


  • Indstillinger
    Den seneste info, jeg har i denne sag, er fra den 15.01.2009 og her oplyser importøren/distributøren, at man er tæt ved at kunne lancere dette produkt fra Boyd Haley.

    Her er yderligere fakta som jeg tidligere modtog i sagen, der måske har almen interesse:

    Jeg været i kontakt med dr. Joachim Mutter og han informerer mig som følger (oversætter til dansk fra tysk):

    Oxidative Stress Release OSR og Glutathione Enhancer er det samme middel hhv. tilskud. Det kommer iht. Dr. Mutter dog hverken til at blive markedsført som OSR eller G-Enhancer, men under navnet "Pro-Glutathione".

    Det Firma som har eneret på distribution i Europa, er det i Holland bosatte firma homo-novus:

    Jeg er i direkte kontakt med og på mailinglist ved deres tyske afdeling:

    HOMO NOVUS GmbH & Co. KG
    Frau Stephanie Hochhaus-Schlett (Organisation)
    Georg-Ohm-Straße 11
    D-74235 Erlenbach
    Tel. 0049 (0) 7132 / 1569 - 30
    Fax 0049 (0) 7132 / 1569 - 40

    Venlig hilsen
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